WHAT? The Key West Maritime Historical Society Society is dedicated to the appreciation, study, and preservation of the fascinating seafaring heritage of the Florida Keys.

WHY? The Society conducts a program of lectures, field trips, exhibits, publications, and special events, to help increase your awareness and understanding of the unique maritime history that has made the Florida Keys such a “special place”. In addition, the KWMHS provides members the opportunity to “network” with persons interested in the history of our maritime past. The KWMHS is largely supported by its membership, so your involvement will really make a difference!

HOW? You can join us just by completing the online membership application, with secure payment via credit card or PayPal. The membership form can also be printed and mailed (along with your check, payable to “K.W.M.H.S.”) to P. O. Box 695, Key West FL. 33041.

MORE ABOUT THE KWMHS: The Key West Maritime Historical Society of the Florida Keys was formed in 1981 to promote the study and preservation of the maritime heritage of Key West and the Florida Keys. Membership is open to all who support this objective. Many KWMHS activities are open to the general public at no charge. However, field trips, publication subscriptions, and some special events are available only to Society members.

BENEFITS OF KWMHS MEMBERSHIP: Members receive a subscription the Society’s quarterly FLORIDA KEYS SEA HERITAGE JOURNAL. This award-winning publication brings you in-depth articles and stories about Florida Keys maritime and historical subjects. Members also receive advance notice of Society lectures, field trips, and other events. And it is through the support of our members that the KWMHS can move its mission forward!

Membership Level

We Appreciate Your Support of the KWMHS!